Wednesday 9 February 2011

He's Back!

Sackboy™ is back! in another LittleBigPlanet huge adventure! Full of different storys and gadgets.

Sackboy™ is sent on an adventure around four different planets meeting different characters on the way trying to defeat the Negativitron™ who has been pumping "Meanies" into the different worlds.  You have to be put through tests set by Larry who accompanies you on your journey around the different planets to ensure that your up for the challenge.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

New Gadgets!

There are many new gadgets in LittleBigPlanet2 which we are all very excited about.

The Grappling Hook:

The Grappling hook is a nice touch that the creators of LittleBigPlanet added to gameplay, They made sure that it's an easy tool to use.

The Creatinator:

The Creatinator, another amazing tool kindly added by the creators on LBP.  This tool allows you to shoot more-a-less anything out of it, it's used a lot in the story mode however, when you do get your hands on create mode it opens so many other doors to making a level even better!


Bounce pads which are now used instead of buttons and lifts, it's the new way to get around higher points in a level.  It is also the more fun way to move around when playing with sombody else.  You can have as many as you like and whatever size you want with changing how high the fire you and what direction.